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Demolition Atlas

The demolition atlas is a participatory online map on which interested parties can create entries about buildings that have been demolished or threatened with demolition. The atlas consists of three main pages: The home page gives a brief overview of the project, the map view shows the entries already recorded throughout Switzerland, and the gallery view lists the entries with images, with the most recently created entries appearing first.

On the one hand, the atlas shows the mass of buildings in Switzerland that have been demolished or threatened with demolition. On the other hand, it tells the individual stories of the buildings and their residents.

Around three months before the exhibition, we and our media partners launched a call for mapping threatened buildings in Switzerland. At the start of the exhibition, around 400 entries were already online; by the end of the exhibition seven weeks later, there were over 800. The contributions came from over 150 different people, and French-speaking Switzerland was particularly well represented. Since then, the atlas has continued to grow and has already been adapted for Germany and Sweden.